Danielle Brower, MSW

This One Skill Could Have More Impact on Thriving Than You Think

Published on
August 22, 2022

Even though it’s still hot and humid in a lot of places, there are signs of fall all around - and not just the Halloween candy and pumpkin spice fare. Schools are back in session. Football is on the way. Sunset is creeping earlier into the evening. It won’t be long before we need sweatshirts and headlights for our morning routines.

As seasons change, you might be thinking back on your summer - a special vacation, time at the pool, sweating at a baseball game. It’s also a great time to reflect on you - are you happy? What’s been going well? What might you want to change? Reflection is a key component of thriving - that optimal state of being where we flourish and prosper. But we often save reflection for special occasions. Don’t wait for thanksgiving or new year’s to look back on the year. Spend time now as we move into fall to think and talk about your year so far. Reflection helps you celebrate accomplishments, decide what you want to change, and plan for what’s next.

Not sure where to get started?  Don’t worry, we have some questions and tips to get you started and remember reflection doesn’t have to be an overly complicated or formal practice. You can spend a lot of time or a little. You can reflect alone or with others.  Just making the space to consider the path you’ve been on will have an impact.

  • Start with questions that jump out to you the most.
  • Allow your thoughts and responses to just flow, whatever comes to mind is okay.
  • Be honest with yourself, this practice is for you.
  • Put it down and come back to it later.  This isn’t a homework assignment and there is no due date.  Spend the time when it works best for you.

Reflection questions to get you started:
  • What has been your spark these past few months?  What do you want to share with the world?
  • What is something you have done recently that you are proud of?
  • What mistakes have you made recently?  What have you learned from them?
  • How do you feel when you first wake up?  
  • What are the 3 things that are more important to you than anything else right now?
  • If tomorrow, you were given the whole day to yourself to do whatever you wanted, what would you do?
  • What is your favorite self-care activity?  What do you do for yourself?
  • What makes you feel hopeful about the future?
  • If you could only use 5 words, how would you describe yourself?
  • What keeps you grounded?
  • What motivates you?
  • Whose opinions do you value the most?  Why?
  • What potential confrontations, if any, are you avoiding?
  • What is one thing you have wanted to do, but haven’t tried yet?
  • What is stopping you from making or achieving your goals? What is one possible work around or option to move around that?

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